Have you ever wondered how a translation agency functions?
We operate very much like a stock brokerage would: We do an assessment of the project -- considerations like the word count, technical challenges associated with a particular assignment; the deadline imposed or required by the client; the available translation resources amongst our pool of freelance translators and reviewers, among other things. Once the translation assessment is complete, we prepare a quote and await confirmation from the client. When you think about it, this is very much how a stock broker operates.
To put it simply, we look for the best translation resource available at the most competitive price. Seems simple enough, doesn't it? Just like a stock broker's work seems to be pretty straightforward: pick up the phone when someone's calling; take the order, then hang up; pick up the phone again, then place the order; do paperwork. What could be easier or more simple than that?
Well, of course, it's what goes on behind the scenes that makes translation management look simple and easy. Let's take it step-by-step.
Project Assessment
When any given translation assignment comes in, one of the first actions we take is to do as accurate a word count as possible. This can be as simple as opening up the MS Word document and using the word count function from within the application. But oftentimes it's not an MSWord file that we are supplied with -- it's something more 'challenging'. Just think of the wide range of applications out there. Have you ever tried doing a word count in a Power Point file or in a in a MSExcel Spreadsheet? How about an HTML file? And, as our clients say: "Please omit the HTML code from the count because we don't need that translated". Umm, OK...
Of course, there are tools of the trade. A couple that we like are AnyCount and ClipCount. these are a pair of pretty nifty software tools put together by an outfit called Translation3000. (Not sure what's behind the name, but it sounds like they're planning to be around for a long time. Very optimistic outlook, don't you think? But I digress...)
AnyCount does exactly what the name implies -- it counts the words in virtually any document: AnyCount produces automatic word counts, character counts, line counts, and page counts for all common file formats. Supports .RTF, .DOC, .WPD, .XLS, .PPT, .PPS, .PDF, .CSV, .HTM, .HTML, .XML, .MIF, .TXT, .ZIP, .ODT, .SDW, .SXW, .ODS, .SDC, .SXC, .ODP, .SDD, .SXI, .HLP, .CHM formats, characters with spaces, characters without spaces.
ClipCount is AnyCount's alter ego as it were. It executes a fast text count in any file or program and it counts any text copied to the workstation's Clipboard and generates comprehensive and exact count results. It's enormously helpful when we're dealing with translation assignments that are made up of a variety of files. (Not an uncommon experience.)
Phew, all that work just to count the words? And we don't even have confirmation that the job is ours yet. So what's next you might wonder? Well, thanks for asking...
(continues...) -->Translation Management Multi-Tasking
Everything the web has to offer in terms of bi-directional English dictionaries, English reference material, English translation software and hardware that is of particular interest to translators working with English, as well as the English translation and linguistics community can be found in the CILFOtranslations.com English Translation Bookstore.
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